We’ve developed professional learning experiences tailored just for you, the family child care professional.

A professional learning experience includes a workshop with follow-up coaching to help you implement what you’ve learned. We also offer each professional learning experience in a variety of formats, including in-person and virtual.

Click here for more information about selecting professional learning experiences and planning your professional development.

Click here for a list of upcoming Profession Learning Experiences for Family Child Care Professionals.

“I was able to take away how partnerships with families can build bridges of confidence and trust. Additionally, these relationships allow me to problem solve with parents by identifying the root cause of the problem.”

– Pauline Kugmeh (of M&M Daycare) on her experience taking Authentic Community Engagement PLUS


We are offering professional learning experiences that are delivered in various formats to meet your needs. All our professional learning experiences include a continuum of learning and support activities.

Click here

We are here to support you every step of the way in your professional development journey. 

Questions?  Email us at ecinstitute@udel.edu.