Programs promote a working environment centered around the success and well-being of all educators.
DELACARE Regulations for Early Care and Education and School- Age Centers:
15. Governing Body
18. General Human Resources and Personnel Policies
37. Staff Communication
- Program leaders have knowledge about building a positive organizational climate where educators can feel satisfied in the work environment.
- Program has a policy related to developing and maintaining a positive organizational climate and communicates it to all educators.
- Program leaders collect data on educators’ thoughts and opinions about the organizational climate.
- Program leaders commit to supporting respect and professionalism among all educators.
- Program leaders support autonomy, collaboration, and collegiality among educators.
- Program uses data on from educators to enhance the organizational climate.
- Program leaders implement healthy conflict resolution practices.
- Program leaders use evidence based tools to inform, reflect on, and continually improve positive organizational climate, considering individual needs.
- Program provides leadership opportunities and encourages autonomy and innovation of educators.
- Educators regularly collaborate.
DELACARE Regulations for Early Care and Education and School- Age Centers:
20. Positive Behavior Management
27. Ratios, Group Size, and Supervision
34. Annual Professional Development Plan
- Program leaders have knowledge about strategies and initiatives to promote well-being.
- Program collects data on educators’ morale and well- being needs.
- Program leaders ensure fair and respectful treatment of all educators and cultures.
- Program leaders use data from educators to develop and implement a plan to support morale and well-being.
- Program leaders encourage ECP to create goals related to their well-being and growth.
- Program leaders support the goals of educators.
- Program leaders support educators in using stress reducing practices both in and out of the classroom.
- Program consistently provides opportunities for social connection and development of community.
- Program consistently provides opportunities to promote educators well-being.
- Program looks for opportunities to empower staff to take the lead on wellbeing and morale activities.
- Program celebrates culture and considers it an integral part of the program.
- Program leaders demonstrate flexibility in scheduling to meet the needs of all educators.
Description for this block. Use this space for describing your block. Any text will do. Description for this block. You can use this space for describing your block.
33. Annual Training
34. Annual Professional Development Plan
35. First Aid and CPR Training
- Program supports educators’ use of a self-reflection tool for their professional growth.
- Program leaders meet with educators to discuss their needs, goals, and professional development plans.
- Program has processes to follow through on professional development plans.
- Program provides information on PD opportunities and leaders encourage staff to attend.
- Professional growth opportunities are planned to encourage collaboration among colleagues and other professionals outside the organization.
- Program provides training and opportunities to serve as a mentor, as well as encourages staff members to engage in mentoring relationships.
- Program uses data to plan for site-wide and individual professional growth.
- Program encourages and helps to finance enrollment in a variety of PD opportunities aligns to PD plans.
- Program encourages educators to engage in sequential, in-depth (i.e., multiple-session) Professional Development.
- Program leaders ensure Professional Development opportunities include intentional follow-up.
- Program supports opportunities for educators to regularly observe each other’s practice and engage in discussions around PD.
DELACARE Regulations for Early Care and Education and School- Age Centers:
3. Definition of Terms – “Supervision of staff”
73. Program Goals and Planning
- Program leaders review policies and procedures to ensure inclusion of:
- Frequent and consistent observations with a purpose of providing feedback
- Opportunities for educators to identify strengths, concerns, and challenges
- Program leaders ensure supervision is supportive and focused on teaching practices rather than punitive in nature.
- Program supports educators in accessing professional growth opportunities that are in line with feedback from observations .
- Program successfully implements policies and procedures related to observation and feedback.
- Program leaders consistently observe and provide feedback on teaching practices for all educators.
- Program encourages educators to request observations as needed.
- Program leaders provide follow up support as educators develop their skills and work to improve practice.
- Program leaders observe using a reliable, valid tool (i.e. Class) or a curriculum implementation checklist.
- Program leaders ensure there is a timely feedback meeting that is bi-directional and focused on strengths.
- Program helps educators reflect on their own practices, values, and beliefs.
- Program leaders stay informed on competitive wages and opportunities to fund wage increases.
- Program helps staff access financial supports for degrees.
- Program implements salary scales with different levels of pay for educators according to their levels of education and years of experience, not based on the ages of the children they work with.
- Program provides some benefits to educators.
- Program implements a yearly cost of living salary increase.
- Program provides multiple benefits to educators.
- Program ensures paid time for professional responsibilities of educators.
- Program encourages educators to earn an associates degree or specialized credential in early childhood and increases compensation for those who do.
- Program implements a merit bonus system for ECP in addition to yearly cost of living salary increase.
- Program provides a wide range of benefits to educators.
- Program is in involved in advocacy opportunities for increasing ECE wages.
- Program encourages educators to earn a bachelor’s degree in early childhood and increases compensation for those who do.
- Program works to hire and retain educators for roles aligned to an ECE I, II, and III designation.